OM - The essence of Sanatana Dharma
Hinduism-Part 2
This is the second presentation in my study of
‘Sanatana Dharma’-सनातन धर्म. I dedicated my first presentation on why my religion
is actually Sanatana Dharma not ‘Hinduism’. I am dedicating this presentation to ‘AUM’ ॐ, or ‘OM’ as it is also prounounced, because it
is the ‘most’ important symbol of Sanatana Dharma.
ॐ ‘AUM’ is the first step to knowing what Sanatana
Dharma stands for.
goal which all the Vedas declare, which all austerities aim at,
which men desire when they lead the life of continence …is ‘AUM’ ...ॐ
This syllable ‘Aum’ is the Supreme ‘Brahman’-ब्राह्मण.
knows this syllable obtains all that he desires.
is the best support; this is the highest support.
knows this support is adored in the world of Brahma- ब्रह्मा.“
~ Katha Upanishad I ~
ॐ Om is also called ‘Om-kara’-ॐ-कार, meaning – ‘I am Existence’ !!
ॐ ‘AUM’ symbolizes the most profound concepts of
Sanatana Dharma and it is used constantly and widely, and in daily practice. The followers
of Sanatana Dharma सनातन धर्म- the Hindus, begin their day, any work, or a journey by
uttering this, which is the most auspicious of all chants… ‘AUM’
Very often, Hindus use this symbol on their letter
heads, for good luck, auspicious beginning and piety. Many people wear a
pendant as a good luck charm.
Most Hindu houses have the symbol of ‘Om’ at the
entrance of their gates, their offices, factory gates and the doors of their
houses and on their doors and in places where they perform their daily ‘Puja’ पूजा . (Puja is a ritual ceremony performed among the Hindus, mostly at home)
‘AUM’ is
enshrined in every Hindu and Jain temple premises or in some form or another on
family shrines.
In some families, when a baby is born the child is
washed and cleansed. Then either eldest
member of the family or a ‘pundit’ पंडित (Hindu priest) writes the symbol of ‘Om’ on the tongue of
the baby, with milk, honey or ‘Ganga-jal’ (Gangetic water).
Chandogya Upanishad states:
ity-etad akṣaram udgītham upāsīta
aum iti hy udgāyati
aum iti hy udgāyati
"The udgi:tā -उद्गीता ["the
chanting" of the syllable ‘AUM’]
the best of all essences,
the highest, deserving the highest place, the eighth.”
the highest, deserving the highest place, the eighth.”
ॐ is the
Sanskrit version for the pronunciation of ‘Om’ in 'Aadi-Grantha'. आदि -ग्रंथ
ॐ …many
believe is also a symbol of Lord Ganesha. The logic is the clear shape of the
symbol which shows the forehead like that of an elephant (sideways), a trunk
and the Chandra-bindu-चन्द्र-बिंदु (the crescent moon and the dot) as is worn by the Devas-देव. It can be understood because
every puja begins with ‘Om Shri Ganeshaay Namah’.
ॐ symbolizes piety. It holds the same value
in other religions which are off-shoots of The Sanatana Dharma
Jainism & Sikhism.
The entire ‘Maandukya Upanishad’-मंदुक्य उपनिषद् is devoted to ‘AUM’ .
The proper pronunciation for ‘AUM’ is in three syllables:
long ..’aa’आ ..
which symbolizes - Vaishwanara-वैश्वानर
long ..’ou’ओउ ..
Which symbolizes – Hiranya-garbha-हिरण्य-गर्भ and…
Short .. ‘mm’म…
symoblizing – Eishwara-ईश्वर
The above three syllables combine to form a symbol
which denotes the
beginning, duration, and dissolution
the universe and associated to the Trinity of Brahma-ब्रह्मा, Vishnu-विष्णु & Mahesh-महेश (Shiva-शिव) respectively.
The Origin
syllable ‘Aum’ is first described as
all-encompassing mystical entity in the Upanishads.
to the Upanishads, the creation of the universe started with the divine,
all-encompassing consciousness of Brahma. And it took the form of the first and
the original vibration manifesting with the sound of ‘AUM’.
the creation - there was "Shunya-ākāsha"-शून्य-आकाश, the emptiness or the void. (Shunyākāsha, meaning literally ‘skyless’ or ‘no-sky’, is more than
nothingness, because everything then existed in a latent state of potency. The
vibration of ‘AUM’ symbolizes the manifestation of God in form (“Sāguna
Brahman"-सगुण-ब्राह्मण). (Saguna means 'All Goodness' and 'The God Almighty' means Brahman). ‘AUM’ is the reflection of the absolute reality, it is
said to be "Adi-Anadi" आदि-अनादी - without a beginning or the end,
embracing all that exists.
The word ‘AUM’ itself means, it has no beginning. . .
Aum is the Eternal sound; the sound of the Universe.
When a ‘Puja’ or a Prayer begins in any sad or happy
occasion, it begins with a mantra, which starts by chanting of the most important mantra…is ॐ !!
There is not a single occasion where an auspicious religious mantra or puja starts without the chanting of Aum first.
The sound of ‘Om’ is called ‘Pranava’प्रणव- (meaning it
sustains life and runs through ‘Prana’-प्रण or breath).
In Sanatana Dharma, ‘Om’ is chanted before each prayer
because it neutralizes any error or mistake, either in pronunciation or while
we chant/sing prayers or while performing a ‘Puja’.
Om … in essence is the beginning, the present (or the
continuation), and the end of every
living or non-living entity.
Om is an eternal chant. When we chant Om while meditating, we feel a cosmic vibration which is similar to the sound that we can hear throughout the universe. Om is the only sound which is omnipresent in space.
Om is an eternal chant. When we chant Om while meditating, we feel a cosmic vibration which is similar to the sound that we can hear throughout the universe. Om is the only sound which is omnipresent in space.
The chanting of Om helps the chanter to be in peace
with himself and with the surroundings.
chanting of Om drives away all worldly thoughts and removes distraction and
infuses new vigour in the body.
you feel depressed, chant Om fifty-one times and you will be filled with new vigour
and strength. The chanting of Om is a powerful tonic. When you chant Om, you
feel you are the pure, all pervading light and consciousness.
who chant Om will have a powerful, sweet voice. Whenever you take a stroll, you
can chant
Aum. The chant can also be sung in a beautiful way. The rythmic pronunciation of Aum
makes the mind serene and focused, and infuses the spiritual qualifications
which ensure self-realization.
who do meditate while chanting Om on daily basis get tremendous spiritual and concentration powers. Such people will always have lustre
in their eyes and on their faces.
For Meditation
If you seek peace and you want to meditate this one
‘mantra, one ‘chant’ in one single syllable which will bring you greater peace
than chanting of a thousand mantras in all, it is the power of Om. Whenever Om is
recited in succession there is an inevitable period of silence between two
successive Oms. This silence represents the ‘fourth state’ known as
"Turiya" which is the state of perfect bliss when the individual self
recognizes his identity with the Supreme.
This is clearly mentioned in the Srimad Bhagwatam!
In Shrimad Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna says to Arjuna
on the battlefield of Kurukshetra:
"I am the father of this universe,
the mother, the support and the grandsire.
I am the object of knowledge, the
purifier and the syllable OM.
I am also the Ṛig, the Sāma and the Yajur
Chanting of Om, the eternal world of Brahman,
Chanting of Om, the eternal world of Brahman,
One who departs leaving
the body (at death), he attains the Supreme Goal.
OM, TAT and SAT have been
declared as the triple appellation of Brahman,
The God Supreme, who is Truth,
Consciousness and Bliss.
The continuous
chanting of Om should be done with clear understanding of its meaning".
To chant ...
- Take a slow deep breath and chant ‘Om’ slowly as you exhale – exhale slowly while you chant
- Do not let thoughts of any kind distract you. Concentrate your mind on the Supreme Being
- Repeat the chant and keep chanting slowly with absolute consciousness with concentration on God
- If you have problems of any sort, discard them from your mind and concentrate on your chants (eventually,
your chanting will help you overcome your problems, so be calm and happy)
- If you are unable to concentrate, don’t be disheartened or discouraged. Practice it for a minute or two after regular intervals and slowly you will be able to detach your mind from the surroundings and concentrate on your chant when you feel serenity within yourself when you chant ‘OM’. Treat this as an anecdote to your problems.
The secondary stage is where the transition begins from being a chanter to a real meditator. While chanting your mind should concentrate and associate with the idea of the infinity, the eternity, the immortality, etc.,
When you reach this stage, automatically, your actions
in day-to-day life will be more in line with the principles of ‘OM’. You will
be happier and more peaceful.
you must begin to chant ‘OM’ with the feeling that you are one with the
Almighty, that you are the infinite and
the all-pervading. Mere repetition of Om will not bring the desired result.
Keep the meaning of ‘OM’ always at heart.
that you are the pure, perfect, all-knowing, eternal, free, Brahman. Feel that
you are absolute consciousness, the infinite and unchanging existence. Every
part of your body should powerfully vibrate with these ideas. This feeling
should be kept up all day long. Practice regularly and steadily with sincerity,
faith, perseverance and enthusiasm in the morning, midday and evening.
are many mantras used in worship. The first is always the ‘Mool-Mantra’ मूल -मन्त्र. This
mantra is the basis for all the other Mantras. It was not written by a person
but was given to us directly 'Shakti' शक्ति Herself in Her oracle. This mantra has
enormous power. Some of the benefits conferred by reciting the 'Moola Mantra' are:
![]() |
The Aum Maha-Mantra |
Divine energy freely flows from the feet of Amma to the different systems of
the body. The holy vibrations penetrate all the cells and revitalize the entire
Helps in forgiveness of one's ku-Karma कुकर्म (immoral acts/sin)
Provides meritorious benefits
Helps solve ailments and genuine problems.
Confers blessings leading to prosperity and a happy life.
Helps one to reach the highest spiritual pedestal (Mukti).
Preserves health
number 108, has been considered auspicious since the Vedic era. The logic of the number 108 lies in the
astronomy. The approximate distance from the Sun and moon to the earth is 108
times of their respective diameters. The thought that this was known so long
ago is amazing. Like all Mantras, each line is preceded and concluded with Om.
These characteristics give the mantras great potency.
The Best way to
Meditate - the Primary level
- Finish
all your work and relax before you begin
- Retire to a quite place and sit in ‘Samadhi
Mudra (posture) - समाधी-मुद्रा
- Close your eyes and completely relax your
muscles and nerves
- Concentrate on the space between your eyebrows
with a calm and conscious mind
ॐ has immense powers to enhance the potency of
any mantra – For example:
We know how to chant the ‘Gayatri Matra’-गायत्री-मन्त्र. However, to
enhance its power there can be numerous insertions of ‘OM’. Depending on the
situation and necessity, a person can chant the Gayatri mantra with three,
five, seven or eleven insertions. Eg. Gayatri Mantra with three 'Aums': (normally it is only at the start of the mantra)
‘OM’ – Bhuur-bhuvah Swaha-Tatsa-Vitur
‘OM’ - Bhargo-Devasya
Dhimahi, Dhiyo-Yonah-Prachodayaat
ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वःतत्सवितुर वरेण्यम
ॐ भर्गोदेवस्य धीमहि धियो योनह प्रचोदयात ॐ
References to the potency
and Importance of ‘AUM’
are innumerable references to the potency and importance of ‘OM’ in various
Upanishads, Purans, other Granths and ‘The
Bhagwad-Gita’. Here are some of the important once:
Only the people who hold the knowledge of OM, sit in peace and concord ~
Rig Veda ~ ऋग वेद
"tasya vacakah pranavah" - which translates as, "God's voice
is Aum." ~ Yog Sutra of Patanjali ~ पतांजलि योग सूत्र
From OM comes the removal of obstacles. OM is the Supreme name of God and it
cannot have any
other meaning than God. ~ Yog Sutra of
Patanjali ~पतांजलि योग सूत्र
Remember, Om , the Lord, the Protector ~ Yajur-Veda ~ यजुर-वेद
Among the words, I am the Ek-akshara (OM) ~Lord Krishna in Bhagvad Gita
~ भगवान श्री कृष्ण-भग्वद-गीता
Om is the name of the Supreme Lord ~ Adi Shankaracharya ~आदि शंकराचार्य
That which is manifested by Pranava is the Supreme Being Himself ~Maharishi Ved Vyasa ~ महर्षि वेद व्यास
- The essence of all beings is Earth; The essence of
Earth is Water; The essence of water is plant; The essence of Plant is man; the
essence of man is speech; the essence of speech is Rig Veda; the essence of Rig
Veda is Sama Veda; the essence of Sama Veda is OM. ~ Chandogya
Upanishad ~चंदोग्य उपनिषद्
- All that was the past, all that is the present and
all that will be the future is the syllable OM. And all there is beyond the three aspects of time, is also OM. ~ Mandukya Upanishad ~ मन्दुक्य उपनिषद्
OM is the bridge to immortality ~ Mandukya Upanishad ~ मन्दुक्य उपनिषद्
Om is the bow, self the arrow and Brahman (absolute Reality) is the goal ~
Mandukya Upanishad ~ मन्दुक्य उपनिषद्
He who knows OM obtains all he desires; This is the best support, this is
the highest support ~Kathopanishad~ कथोपनिषद
- The threefold knowledge is based on Omkara. He who
knows OM is equal to the learned of the three Vedas because OM is another three Vedas in itself ~ Manu Smirti ~मनु स्मृति
Through OM one knows what is to be known
~ Brahadaranyaka Upanishad ~ बृहद-आरण्यक उपनिषद्
Through the resonance of OM peace is established in my heart ~ Yoga Vashishtha ~ योग वशिष्ठ
- BY
ॐ is:
Purity -
Brahman -
Divinity -
Cosmic Energy - Knowledge
Omnipresent -
Spirit - Eternal
It represents: The Holy Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva
- Eternal Knowledge -
OM is the essence of Life !!
OM IS THE MAHA-MANTRA महा -मंत्र !!
Note: My knowledge is very limited in comparison to
the vast and eternal values of ‘AUM’, and to it’s immense potential.
This presentation is based on my own understanding of
the subject based on my research. I welcome further feeds, information and
guidance on this subject.
Best Wishes & Good Luck!
Siddharth S. Sinha
सिद्धार्थ स सिन्हा
Very enlightening & highly Informative. Thank you !!
ReplyDeleteVery inligthening...very few hindus know about importance of OM. Thank you for the info
ReplyDeleteHare Om Tat Sat !!!