ATHARVA VEDA - Part of the Four Vedas
-Part of the four Vedas-
SANATANA DHARMA - सनातन धर्म
Hinduism-part 4
SCRIPTURES -Part 2-C-IV - (ग्रन्थ)
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The Atharva Veda अथर्व वेद is fourth in the series of The Holy Vedas. Although, it is commonly believed that all the four Vedas are older than the 'Maha-Bharat' and thus also older than the 'Srimad Bhagvatam' श्रीमद भग्वतम -गीता, The Gita, it is not correct.
The hymns and verses of this Veda did exist prior to 'The Maha-Bharat'-महाभारत, however, the compilation was done much later, if we use common logic. During the 'Updesh-उपदेश (sermon)' by God Krishna भगवान श्री कृष्ण to Arjuna अर्जुन on the battlefield of Kurukshetra कुरुक्षेत्र, Krishna mentions only three Vedas, namely The Rig Veda ऋग वेद, The Sama Veda सम वेद and The Yajur Veda यजुरवेद. So, we can safely assume that this Veda was compiled after the 'MahaBharat'.
The word 'Atharva' अथर्व means non-changeable, constant and unwavering - Permanent. The word 'Veda' वेद means knowledge. This Veda is a mixture, a great fusion of prose and poetry.
Atharva Veda is called 'BrahmaVeda' ब्रह्म्वेद (because it describes Oneness of God). It is also known as ChhandoVeda चंदोवेद (so called because it provides 'Anand' आनंद-happiness) and 'AtharvaAangirash Veda' अथर्व-आङ्गिरश वेद (because it was supposedly compiled by Rishi Angira ऋषि-आंगिर).
This Veda consists of twenty Khandas खंड, with 731 Shuktas शुक्त and 5977 mantras मन्त्र).
It is commonly believed that this Veda erases all doubts and imperfections, and helps human beings in achieving mastery/expertise in every sphere of life.
It is astonishing how less knowledgeable, early Indologists especially, maligned Atharva Veda. Some even went to the extent of calling it 'a manual of white and black magic'. These are examples of prejudice and bias (I am not stating that all Indo-logists did so -I have posted appreciation of some of the great minds on the scriptures of Sanatana Dharma in earlier blogs).
On the contrary, The Atharva Veda has more social messages than any of the previous three. The most impressive aspect of Atharva Veda is its wide range of subjects, the credibility of which has stood the test of time. It deals with a vast array of subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Cosmology (including the creation of Universe), Medical sciences (these also include human physiology and anatomy), various diseases and ailments and their treatments, Agriculture, Engineering, Military sciences, Political science, Sociology, Economics, Aeronautics, Vedic history and some more and yet it maintains the high level of Vedic philosophy and spirituality.
In some subjects Atharva Veda provides more clues to various problems we face presently in modern times. It fascinatingly speaks of healing properties of atomic and solar energy, water and electricity and at the same time it speaks of the state of Supreme Consciousness. One of the most exciting topics covered in this Veda is electricity and specifically, the detailed description of various applications and ways of harness and uses of the immense source of energy, including specifications for a control system that harnesses the intense power of electricity to be used as weapons and utilization o f hydroelectric power for manufacturing and fission properties of electricity. It also suggests harnessing of lightening. These are just some of the amazing mentions of scientific value in Atharva Veda.
A great credit is given to Atharva Veda for providing the basics for two important books on 'medicines', the Charaka Samhita and the Sushrut Samhita. These two later were the principle books which formed a part of Atharva Veda's 'Up-veda', the 'AyurVeda'. Even in modern times, AyurVeda is as popular and effective as any other forms of medicines. Some practitioners and experts of Ayurveda challenge that it has more effective cures for diseases than modern medicines without any side-effects.
Atharva Veda has great relevance in modern life because it doesn't just preach piety and Dharma, spirituality and philosophy, it stresses greatly on human relationship (as a male/female member of a family). These verse are perfect to highlight how Atharva Veda guides humans towards an amiable, happy and successful family life with harmony.
The Atharva Veda has too many gems to be put into one blog. There will be more on Atharva Veda in future.
I wish all my readers a pious and peaceful Maha-Shivratri!
The word 'Atharva' अथर्व means non-changeable, constant and unwavering - Permanent. The word 'Veda' वेद means knowledge. This Veda is a mixture, a great fusion of prose and poetry.
Atharva Veda is called 'BrahmaVeda' ब्रह्म्वेद (because it describes Oneness of God). It is also known as ChhandoVeda चंदोवेद (so called because it provides 'Anand' आनंद-happiness) and 'AtharvaAangirash Veda' अथर्व-आङ्गिरश वेद (because it was supposedly compiled by Rishi Angira ऋषि-आंगिर).
This Veda consists of twenty Khandas खंड, with 731 Shuktas शुक्त and 5977 mantras मन्त्र).
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It is commonly believed that this Veda erases all doubts and imperfections, and helps human beings in achieving mastery/expertise in every sphere of life.
It is astonishing how less knowledgeable, early Indologists especially, maligned Atharva Veda. Some even went to the extent of calling it 'a manual of white and black magic'. These are examples of prejudice and bias (I am not stating that all Indo-logists did so -I have posted appreciation of some of the great minds on the scriptures of Sanatana Dharma in earlier blogs).
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The Atharva Veda provides numerous cures from medicinal plants and herbs for many diseases and ailments ailments |
In some subjects Atharva Veda provides more clues to various problems we face presently in modern times. It fascinatingly speaks of healing properties of atomic and solar energy, water and electricity and at the same time it speaks of the state of Supreme Consciousness. One of the most exciting topics covered in this Veda is electricity and specifically, the detailed description of various applications and ways of harness and uses of the immense source of energy, including specifications for a control system that harnesses the intense power of electricity to be used as weapons and utilization o f hydroelectric power for manufacturing and fission properties of electricity. It also suggests harnessing of lightening. These are just some of the amazing mentions of scientific value in Atharva Veda.
Atharva Veda has great relevance in modern life because it doesn't just preach piety and Dharma, spirituality and philosophy, it stresses greatly on human relationship (as a male/female member of a family). These verse are perfect to highlight how Atharva Veda guides humans towards an amiable, happy and successful family life with harmony.
सह्रिदयम समनास्यमाविद्वम क्रिनोमी वह।
अन्यो अन्यमभि वत्सम जत्मिवाघ्न्य।।
Sahridayam samanasyamavidwesham krinomi wah|
Anyo anyamabhi haryata watsam jatmiwaghnya| |
The union of hearts and minds, and freedom from hate I'll bring you.
Love one another as the cow, loves the calf that she has borne.
अनुव्रतः पितु: पुत्रो मात्रा भवतु समानः।
जाया पतये मधु मातीम वाचं वदतु शान्तिवं।।
Anuvratah Pituh Putro Maatraa Bhavatu Samanah|
Jaayaa Patye Madhu Mateem Vaacham Vadatu
Let son be loyal to father, and of one mind with his mother;
let wife speak to husband words, that are honey-sweet and gentle.
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The Atharva Veda greatly promotes family and social life |
म भ्राता भरतराम द्विक्षण म स्वसर मुत स्वसा।
सम्यांचा सव्रता भूत्वा वाचं वदत भद्राय।।
ma bhrata bhrataram dwikshan ma swasara muta swasa|
Samyanchah savrata bhutva vacham vadata bhadraya||
Let not a brother hate a brother, nor a sister hate a sister;
unanimous, united in aims, speak you words with friendliness.
येन देवा न वियन्ति नो का विद्विश्हते मिथः।
तत्करीनमो ब्रह्म वो ग्रीहे संग्यनम पुरुश्हेभ्यः।।
yena deva na viyanti no ca vidvishhate mithah|
tatkriNmo brahma vo griihe sangyanam
I will make the prayer for that concord among men at home
by which devas do not separate, nor ever hate one another.
ज्ययास्वन्ताससित्तिनो म वि युता सम्रध्य्यांतः सधुरास्क्रेरंतः।
अन्यो अन्यस्मै वल्गु वदंता इत सधिर्चिनान्वः स्सम्मानासस्क्रिनोमी।।
Jyayasvantascittino ma vi yausta samradhyyantah
Anyo anyasmai valgu vadanta eta Sadhirchinanvah
Don't part - growing old, taking thought, thriving together, moving under a common yoke,
come speaking sweetly to one another; I'll make you have one aim and be of one mind.
समनि प्रपा सह वओन्नभघ सामने योक्तरे सह वो युनाज्मी।
सम्यचोग्निम सपर्यतारा नाभिमिवाभितः।।
Samani prapa saha voannabhagha samane yoktre saha
vo yunajmi|
Samyachognim saparyataara naabhimivabhitah||
Common be your water-store, common your share of
food; I bind you together to a common yoke.
United, gather round the sacrificial fire like spokes around the nave of a wheel.
सध्रिचिनानावः सममानासस्क्रिनोमी एकाश्नुश्ह्तीं समवानानेना सरवन।
देवा इवाम्रितम रक्षामनाह अयाम्प्रतः सुमनसो वो अस्तु।।
sadhricinanvah samamanasaskrinomi ekashnushhtin
samavananena sarvan|
deva ivamritam rakshamanah sayampratah saumanaso vo
With your common desire I'll make you all, have one aim, be of one mind, following one leader,
like devas who preserve their immortality. Morning and evening may there be the loving heart
in you.
ॐ शांतिः शांतिः शांतिः
"Om Shanti Shanti Shanti"
The Atharva Veda has too many gems to be put into one blog. There will be more on Atharva Veda in future.
I wish all my readers a pious and peaceful Maha-Shivratri!
ॐ नमः शिवाय।
Siddharth S. Sinha
सिद्धार्थ स सिन्हा